New here with some questions

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Joined: Thu Mar 25, 2010 9:12 pm

New here with some questions

Post by bhjmom »

Hi everyone! I am new here although I have already sold 2 articles this week. Very excited about the possibilities here as I am super tired of writing articles for cheap prices. :)

However, I have a few questions/concerns:

1. I have noticed that it is taking several days up to a week just to get an article reviewed. Then, if there is anything wrong and I have to resubmit it, it takes another few days to a week. Is this the norm? Will it always take so long for my articles to be reviewed?

2. Tonight I had an article rejected and the only explanation said "Please follow all formatting guidelines." I had no idea what that meant, but I THINK it was because my font was another size and type. No problem- I should have checked before submitting. However, am I understanding the process correctly when I notice that I have to do EVERYTHING over again as if it was never submitted? In other words, there is no way to just "revise" my submission. I have to go back and resubmit it like I never did it, correct?

I am glad CC edits and reviews everything. Don't get me wrong. BUT, it seems that it could take a long time to really get income rolling if I submit 10 or 20 articles and have to wait 7 days for them to be reviewed.... Just wondering if I am misunderstanding something or doing something incorrectly....

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Joined: Thu Mar 27, 2008 3:42 pm
Location: UK

Re: New here with some questions

Post by jak »

It can take a while for submissions to be reviewed. At present Ed is on vacation and his assistant is dealing with everything, and doing sterling work I might add. So things may be taking a little longer than usual. Subs to public and private requests always go to the top of the queue, so if there are lots of those, the others hang around longer.

And, yes, once anything is rejected, it is immediately deleted from the system and you have to resubmit. My tip is to save the short summary and the keywords on your system, as well as the document itself. I save two versions of my articles in different folders. One includes everything: article with title and byline; short summary; keywords; word count. The other is the one I upload and just contains the article with title and byline at the top.

There are so many advantages to working here that it's well worth putting up with these niggles. Once you have several articles showcased, the sales will come through anyway while you keep on submitting more and waiting for them to be approved. And just recently a new feature has been added where you can choose to be paid out twice a month if you wish, instead of just once.

Welcome to CC and good luck.