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Forgot Final Summation

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 12:10 pm
by CindyQueue
Hello all,

First of all, I want to say that reading all over your comments are invaluable to me, an extreme newbie to the freelance world, and most especially to CC. You all are great writers, and it truly inspires me. I so hope I succeed here because the other site I write for...well, they are consistantly wonderful, but do not pay very well, and this is for now my only source of income.

Anyway, here is my question. I just submitted my first article to CC after hours of tweaking the thing, and actually mentally and physically holding my breath as I hit the "submit" button. I thought I had all the rules down till I came in here and read something about putting a conclusion (long summary?) at the end of my article. I am pretty sure that by me omitting that will earn me my first rejection, right? I mean, the article had a nice conclusion, but nothing blaringly obvious stating it was a final thought or summary or anything.

Should I go back and edit it? Possibly adding in something along the lines of "Finally, or "To sum it all up", or even the detestable, "In conclusion".. blah blah? Or should I just not sweat it and wait for Ed's comments, as there will likely be other things wrong with it anyway, since it's my first article?

Sorry for my babbling...just would love to be one of the rare ones that squeek by without getting my first article rejected. :cry:

TIA e'one

Re: Forgot Final Summation

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 12:33 pm
by aprilk10

I have submitted a few that I was uncertain if they would be accepted because there wasn't much to "wrap it up," but they all went through. I think the main idea is to not just leave the reader hanging at a place that is just awkward to end. As long as it concluded nicely, you should be ok. I submitted my first article without even reading through all of the forums and such. It was accepted and I let a couple of months go by before I started submitting regularly on here. After reading through all of the comments and guidelines now, I was surprised it went through because I didn't really feel it had much of a conclusion!

Re: Forgot Final Summation

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 12:46 pm
by CindyQueue
Hi April - Thank you so much for your fast reply! I am feeling a little more confident now.

I was feeling so nervous about it that I actually wrote to cust. support, never expecting to get a fast answer back. (I've been reading some of the many complaints regarding how busy support is) But they got back to me within 10 minutes! How cool is that, huh? They basically said the same thing as you did, so I'm good to go now, I guess.

Now I guess I will await Ed's decision.

Thank you again, you guys so rock...

Re: Forgot Final Summation

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 2:17 pm
by aprilk10
Great! Glad you are having a good experience on here! Hope the piece goes through without any hitches! I have had ups and downs here. The first of last month when I came back after submitting that 1st piece, I sold 6 articles in 2 weeks time! I started to get really excited about the possibilities here, but then went a month with no sales. I kept submitting a few here and a few there though, and finally made another sale last night! I guess the key is not to get discouraged with slow periods and keep submitting! Good Luck!

Re: Forgot Final Summation

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:37 pm
by BarryDavidson
You can delete the submitted article, and then resubmit it with the corrections. If you're unsure, this might be your best bet. For me, it's better do delete and correct than to wait for Ed to reject it (even if I think it might go through).