Rejected Article Question

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Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant

Posts: 32
Joined: Thu Apr 29, 2010 3:31 am

Rejected Article Question

Post by VeronicaM »


I wrote an article about a month ago. It was rejected because I included an active link, which I regret doing. I was told that, if I removed the active link, the article should be accepted.

My question is: will this count against me in the 3-strike rule? Do I already have 1 strike against me?

Overall, the article was well-written, and I spent a lot of time working on it. I'm just worried that I could be suspended.
Last edited by VeronicaM on Thu Apr 29, 2010 9:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Rejected Article Question

Post by Celeste Stewart »

New writers here are usually given a little slack for minor things like that. I wouldn't be overly concerned about a hyperlink (which was later corrected) counting against you.