What is Purchase Rating?

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Joined: Tue May 11, 2010 6:54 pm

What is Purchase Rating?

Post by eliza490 »

I was looking at the requested content page and I noticed a column for Purchase Rating. Can anyone explain what this is?

Posts: 298
Joined: Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:34 pm

Re: What is Purchase Rating?

Post by aprilk10 »

The purchase rating displays how many articles the customer has previously purchased from CC. If the customer shows a purchase rating then chances are that same customer will purchase another article from CC at some point in the future. If a customer's purchase rating is 0, they have never purchased an article here before. By submitting to a request with a 0 purchase rating, you are pehaps taking a greater chance that the particular customer will never purchase an article. On the other hand, maybe they are just new and they will purchase it and many more in the future. At any rate, your article will still be available for someone else to buy if they don't. The purchase rating is basically to let us know which customers are return customers and which ones may be new.