Submitting my first article

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Submitting my first article

Post by SarahS »

Hello everyone,

I was wondering if anyone can help me? I've been registered here for a few weeks and I want to submit an article. However, I have been reading lots of forum posts about rejection and in particular about being suspended after submitting only 1 article. I am obviously concerned and want to know if there was anywhere I could submit trial articles for other people to look at to see whether my writing is good enough. I know I won't be able to submit them here afterwards but that's not a problem. Anyway, any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Elizabeth Ann West
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Re: Submitting my first article

Post by Elizabeth Ann West »


Don't stress the rejections. Write your first article and set it aside for a day or two. Come back, print it out, take a red pen to it. Looking at your post you don't appear to be a strong candidate for rejection on the first submission.

Many of us get rejections, even long time writers. Don't be surprised if your first submission is rejected. Pay attention to the reason, and take time to look for any other issues. Some writers here like to make their own little checklist based on the guidelines, acting like they are the editor. Did you use the right font and file format? Is your spacing correct? Do your paragraphs flow in a logical manner? Does your introduction give a road map of where the article will go? Do you have a clear conclusion? This is where you have to move beyond basic grammar and spelling, though those areas need to be correct as well.

The people who are suspended on the first try either plagiarize (if you have articles written elsewhere and your pen names do not match up, do not submit them here or it will look like you copied someone else's work. C-C places the burden of proof that the content belongs to the writer on the writer.), exhibit a poor command of the English language (many times English is their second or third language and it shows), or have such atrocious writing even vast improvement will not bring them up to C-C's standards.

If you are really concerned, you could always try and see if other paying sites will pay you for your work upfront. For example, see if you can get an article paid by AC. But really, C-C is not nearly as strict as some make it seem. Just don't think you can write an article off the cuff and submit it without a second or third glance. It's not that kind of writing site.
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Re: Submitting my first article

Post by jadedragon »

Can't add much to Elizabeth's great post except to say that you should try with an easy topic and short article. Say under 500 words and no fancy stuff. That will make it easier to proof. Self proofing is an acquired skill and we are often a little rusty after last doing it in school.

Your forum post is clear and well written. Make your article the same and you will be fine.
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Re: Submitting my first article

Post by SarahS »


The more I was reading the more paranoid I was getting!! It probably isn't as scary as I think but the waiting sounds pretty stressful.

Thanks for the replies though, I feel a bit more at ease now. I'll write some more and see how I go before I submit anything.

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Re: Submitting my first article

Post by jadedragon »

Waiting here does not need to be stressful. Just submit and go work on the next article.

If you submit to print (magazines) the wait can be weeks or months. A short wait here is no big deal.