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Waiting for payment to drop ... imagine that!

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 7:28 pm
by rosefiend
Hey folks --

Does anybody know when our payments are due to be transferred into PayPal? I've had a couple of bucks (more than $5) sitting in my account for over two weeks, making faces at me because I can't get my hands on it. My life is so very tragic.


Re: Waiting for payment to drop ... imagine that!

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 7:30 pm
by Celeste Stewart
Usually "around" the first of the month. Also, you can now go into your account settings and select bi-monthly payments. The second payment usually occurs "around" the middle of the month.

Re: Waiting for payment to drop ... imagine that!

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 7:25 am
by rosefiend
I checked my account settings and they were already set to bi-monthly payments. But apparently my article sold on 6/15, so that might have been after the cut-off date. What a deal! Oh well, maybe the payment will drop here before the 1st! (fingers crossed)



Re: Waiting for payment to drop ... imagine that!

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 10:04 am
by jadedragon
On or after the first of the month. They try to include all sales in the month, so no way to pay before the first.

To increase your payouts... write more. :D

Re: Waiting for payment to drop ... imagine that!

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 12:12 am
by Karbyn
"to increase your payments, write more"

This is such a straightforward and true comment. I love it very much. I think I will make this into a big sign and hang it over my computer. :)

I'll put it right next to my ABC sign!

Re: Waiting for payment to drop ... imagine that!

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 6:32 am
by rosefiend
Hey Jadedragon --

Let me get through this busy time first and then I'll write more!

(Actually my payout was more than $5, but I didn't want to blurt out any actual figures. Next time I'll say "a million dollars!!" Maybe that'll kick 'em into gear to give me my payout. 8)

Give me some of that big fat money!


Re: Waiting for payment to drop ... imagine that!

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 6:33 am
by rosefiend
Hey Karbyn, what's the ABC sign? Always Be Cool?


Re: Waiting for payment to drop ... imagine that!

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 2:48 pm
by ChrisBlank
I was informed by the support staff that the next payout was supposed to be today. But I have not been paid yet. Has anyone been paid? Should I be concerned? It's not much but every bit helps, especially before a holiday. :?

Re: Waiting for payment to drop ... imagine that!

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 2:53 pm
by Celeste Stewart
I believe it's a holiday in Canada today, so probably no payday today. We're usually paid "around" the first of the month, give or take a few days.

Re: Waiting for payment to drop ... imagine that!

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 3:21 pm
by ChrisBlank
Thank you for the reply. I wish the support staff had mentioned that. I was told July 1 and I was counting on being paid today. If being paid "around" a certain date is the usual way of doing business here, then I cannot make this a significant source of income, because I need to be able to count on getting my money on a certain date. It's too bad, too because it seems like a good opportunity. Oh well.

Re: Waiting for payment to drop ... imagine that!

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 3:55 pm
by Celeste Stewart
Actually, we're now paid twice per month (if you opt for that option under your account settings): once at the beginning of the month and then again mid-month. It would be nice to know a specific date, but really it's not too bad. We do get paid regularly, so I wouldn't let a day or two variation on the exact days prevent you from giving CC a shot.

At least we have a general idea here. With my outside customers, even though I invoice them at monthend, it's not unusual to wait and wait and wait for them to get around to mailing a check and then wait some more for the check to arrive. I have one client with a 90 day payment policy. I'm just now getting paid for work I did in March. I never know when I'll get paid with some of them (they all pay eventually, I just don't know when to expect payment).

Re: Waiting for payment to drop ... imagine that!

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 4:04 pm
by Amy W
I wouldn't write CC off completely. Unless my memory is completely shot, I think the last few months they've paid right on the 1st and the 15th, unless those days fall on a weekend or on a Canadian holiday. Happy Canada Day, everyone! And don't forget, it takes PayPal a few days to transfer your payment into your bank account - if you needed the money in your bank, it wouldn't have happened today anyway. If you decide to stick with CC, plan on getting paid no later than the 4th and the 19th of each month - I don't think I've ever been paid later than the 4th, and I've been here awhile. Also plan on PayPal taking between 3 to 7 days to transfer your money - at least that's how long it takes in Canada, I'm not sure if the wait is quite as long in the States. If you can plan your finances around the wait times, it's worth it - CC is a great opportunity.

Re: Waiting for payment to drop ... imagine that!

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 4:11 pm
by Celeste Stewart
Exactly, once you get into a routine, it's fine.

When I first decided to quit my day job and write for a living, I put enough money in my bank account to cover my house payment two months in advance. So, even though my house payment is due today and I haven't yet been paid, it's fine because I set money aside for it two months ago. When I get paid tomorrow or the next day, I'll enter my September 1st payment.

Re: Waiting for payment to drop ... imagine that!

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 6:12 pm
by ChrisBlank
I understand what everyone is saying. I also know about slow-paying clients. I had a few. I dropped them. I simply cannot afford to be paid "eventually." Unfortunately, I am not in a position to have my payments made two or three months ahead. I am working independently essentially because I have been unable to find a job. After years of sending my resumes into a black hole without receiving responses, much less interviews, I finally gave up. So now I'm a freelancer, but it has been difficult. I just moved last month plus I have had several months of nearly no income. So I need to find reliable sources of revenue with predictable pay dates. Also, while it helps to know that we can expect to be paid within a few days of the 1st and the 15th (I do have semi-monthly payments and I also have a PayPal debit card, so I can withdraw my money immediately.), this month is problematic. July 1 is a Canadian holiday. July 4 (and 5th) is an American holiday. July 3 is a Saturday. Do you see where I'm going with this? For me, being paid on July 6 is a big difference from being paid on July 1. Of course, if we're paid tomorrow, that's different, but that doesn't give us much of a window of opportunity, does it?

Re: Waiting for payment to drop ... imagine that!

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 7:12 pm
by Celeste Stewart
I suspect that International holidays and weekends are two reasons why CC doesn't promise a specific payment date. I'm sure that there are other factors. Whatever the reason, I can personally vouch for CC's commitment to paying its writers regularly. Since January 2006, CC has paid me consistently each time (I've never had a month with no sales since I joined). Payment has never been an issue, even when we're talking about large sums of money. Back when PayPal fees were causing hardship, CC arranged low cost wire transfers to the bank accounts of higher earners. (Fortunately PayPal fees are no longer an issue, but back then CC was extremely responsive and helpful.)

Unfortunately, with freelancing there's no such thing as a regular payday. A few of the online writing sites are pretty good about paying regularly such as CC and Associated Content. Associated Content pays montlhly on the 10th or 12th (I can't remember and don't pay much attention because the pay is so pitiful compared to what I earn here). I'd rather wait a day or two for a large payment than know that I have a few pennies coming in on a specific day.

I don't mean to be obstinate, but I really hate to see another writer miss out on the potential of this site due to a flexible date range for issuing payment.