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Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 7:44 am
by withie
Does anyone know how to cope with keywords, it may be pretty basic but I have never had to use these before and I know they are essential in constant content. Do I need special software (I use microsoft Office). Thank you

Re: keywords

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 8:37 am
by Celeste Stewart
Keywords aren't overly difficult and you don't need special software, just strong writing skills. First, you'll want to determine which keyword phrase to target. For example, if you're writing about housetraining puppies, your keyword phrase might be "tips for housetraining puppies." (Use Google's Keyword Tool to research popular phrases or use your intuition. Here's a link to the Keyword Tool: ... egacy=true)

Once you determine which phrase you want to use, figure out how often you want to incorporate it in your article. Maybe twice in the opening paragraph, a few times in the body, and once in the conclusion. Now start writing. Your writing skills come in as you try to work in the phrase so that it doesn't sound forced or overly repetitive. Good luck!

PS, try not to overthink it. Write naturally, use specific words rather than vague ones, use synonyms, and your article will likely contain language attractive to search engines.

Re: keywords

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 10:03 am
by withie
Thank you for that, I think I was on the right track, so if I pick out the words which I think are relevant or of most importance to the article and use those as the keywords how do I highlight them so as they show as this on the article itself, you must think me stupid but I feel I am a decent writer it's just the practicailities on the pc sometimes I find daunting when I haven't used them before :?

Re: keywords

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 11:25 am
by Celeste Stewart
You don't need to highlight them or draw attention to them in any way. CC has a little keyword graph that shows customers the article's keywords. It's not perfect, but you don't need to worry about it.

Also, when submitting your article, there is a keyword field. This is an internal function that helps customers find your article based on the words you enter here.

Re: keywords

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 11:41 am
by JoyRCalderwood
Don't call yourself "stupid" !!!! We don't think you are. It is a matter of upgrading learning and experience, which is ongoing.

As far as keywords, some clients (on other sites) ask for something like 5% concentration. It is hard to achieve 5% and write a good article, especially if it is a short article wanted.

I love the little graph. Celeste do I have to click on my own articles to access them? Or is there another method?

Re: keywords

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 12:13 pm
by Celeste Stewart
Just go to your profile, click an article and you'll see the graph.

Read this older thread for help with keywords: ... rep#p39802

In it, I detail one of my favorite techniques for working in keyword phrases so that they sould more natural and less repetitive.

Re: keywords

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 7:24 am
by withie
Thank you all of you, very helpful, I won't be worried to ask re anything else. At least with regard to the keywords it seems once you've decided on them the rest takes care of itself... One less problem :D