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Customer requests samples of work

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 11:11 am
by PMpen
I contacted a customer about a general request and he responded by asking for "examples of my work". I know I can submit existing articles for requests, but is there any way to send more than one at a time simply so a customer can see what kind of work you can create? I am a little unsure what to do in this situation and would appreciate any help!

Re: Customer requests samples of work

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 11:43 am
by aprilk10
I would be a bit leary of sending samples...this is what a number of "clients" on bid sites do in order to obtain free articles. There are those who legitimately just want to have an example of your work, but that is one great thing about the way CC is set up...clients can easily view your portfolio. I would simply refer the client to your author page of existing articles for sale. It sounds as though this client perhaps isn't familiar with the way CC works. I'm guessing maybe this is for the request that was posted yesterday with no info about what kind of content is needed, just that they are developing a website? According to the purchase rating, this client hasn't purchased anything here before, so likely isn't familiar with the system.

Re: Customer requests samples of work

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:15 am
by Constant
Good suggestion April. There is no reason for a customer to need anything more than your portfolio to look at your writing. Just direct them that way and it should all work out no problemo!