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Accepting an offer?

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 3:21 pm
by CieleEdward
I've browsed the forums looking for this question being asked before, but I couldn't find the answer.

Basically, I never check "Best Offer" on my articles because I don't feel like fending off lowball offers. Yesterday I got an offer that, after some consideration, I think is how do I accept it? Do I just say yes and drop the price to what he's asking, or is there some other way to do this? It seems like if I were to do that, another buyer could snap it up at the new price. While that would still be money it my pocket, it doesn't seem very fair to my buyer. How do I do this?

Re: Accepting an offer?

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 5:16 pm
by JD

I think the only way you can do this is to email the buyer and say that you're prepared to lower the price and tell him or her that that's what you're going to do it - and then do it! I suppose there is a chance that someone else will buy it, but I don't think you can be held responsible for that given that you've done all you can from your side (as well as accepted the customer's offer!). That's worked for me in the past. Perhaps you might want to point out in your email to the customer that s/he may want to act fast!

Good luck,


Re: Accepting an offer?

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 6:17 pm
by Debbi
I would email the buyer to let him/her know you are interested, but not lower the price officially. Instaed I would check the "Best Offer" box and let the buyer make the offer (tell them what you are doing. In the meantime, someone might just buy it for the original price! Why take the chance :) Then, if the buyer never buys it, you can uncheck the "Best Offer" box.

Of course you do run a small risk of losing the original buyer because they will have to wait until you accept the offer. Gah, why do I always see every side of a dilemma!

Re: Accepting an offer?

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 6:36 pm
by Antonia
Debbi's method is more fair to the buyer but it takes a bit more effort on both your parts. If you do that just be sure to explain to the buyer why you're adding the extra step into the process so s/he understands its for his/her protection (and appreciates your thoughtfulness of course!)

Re: Accepting an offer?

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 7:24 am
by dmgray
I have been in a similar situation and had offers from regular buyers on articles that did not have the best offer option. I did exactly as Debbi suggested, I replied to the customer and told them I would enablke the best offer and that if they submitted the agreed price I would accept. It is slightly more work, but only slightly and it stops any reduced-price poaching from eagle-eyed bargain hunters!

Good luck.
