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Can You Help Clarify This Request?

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 3:15 pm
by cherylannej
Hi All,

I have just received a request to my inbox. On this occasion it doesn't say 'new public request' (as public requests normally do when they arrive from CC) but simply states as the header 'Large Request Details.'

It doesn't name the sender as CC, but names a client and in the 'To' line, it gives my author name only.

Does this mean it is my first Private Request?

I ask because I've never seen a request in this format before and yet the body of the request (though very detailed) doesn't say 'Dear Cheryl-Anne' or anything else personal...though it's a very good brief.

Would appreciate help so that I can respond in a timely fashion to this client, if they have indeed targeted me specifically...

Thanks all,


Re: Can You Help Clarify This Request?

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 3:52 pm
by aprilk10
Cherylanne: on private requests the subject should read "New Private Request" and basically looks much like a public request except for this. Click "Requested Content" and then the "Private" tab. If you have a private request, it will be there. If not, it could be that a customer has contacted you through the message system rather than the private request system. If they are intending to send you a private request, they need to send it via the private request form. If the order doesn't show in your private requests, I would contact the customer and explain to them that they need to do this. Hope that helps!

Re: Can You Help Clarify This Request?

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 4:05 pm
by cherylannej
Oh Thanks aprilk!!

That helped a lot. I had never had a private request before and when I checked the Private Request tab as you said, there it was indeed. How exciting! What had happened was that the client also sent an accompanying, more explanatory email, and at that stage this was all I had seen, rather than the actual brief.

Well it looks like being a late night for me...better get started!


Re: Can You Help Clarify This Request?

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 4:22 pm
by aprilk10
Congratulations! I just recently landed my first private request customer as well. If she continues as she says, it will be continual work. It is exciting! Good luck!