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First Post and goals!

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 6:15 am
by seanmurphy
I just joined this site late last night and spent hours learning about it. I have to say that I’m impressed with what I’ve heard about this site. I have just uploaded my first article and am very hopeful and excited that it may get approved. I was just wondering how long, on average, does this process take and also do you guys think that I could make 50 euro a week on this site. I would appreciate any help or ideas on how much I would have to post in order to reach my goal of 50 euro a week.
Thanks so much. :D

Re: First Post and goals!

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 7:25 am
by Celeste Stewart
Hi and welcome! I'm going to copy and paste a post that you might find interesting. There's a section where I broke down how to make $100 per week (actually, I think it was pounds as the original poster was from the UK). You can use that strategy with any currency. That said, it takes a little while to figure out what sells here and the nuances of CC. Take your time, ask lots of questions, keep you eye on the recently sold list, don't be afraid to try public requests, and keep writing and submitting.

Here's the link: ... =wordcraft