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Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 12:00 pm
by VeronicaM
How many articles does the average CC writer submit in a year? I'm guessing that a CC staff member might know that, but if anyone here has any idea, please let me know.

And how long does it take for your average article to sell? I know it probably varies from person to person, but what would you say is your average?

Re: Question

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 2:03 pm
by jadedragon
Question #1 - pretty close to zero is the average. I estimate that 90% or more of the "wannabe writers" who sign up never upload their first article. That is not CC's fault, it is just a lost opportunity.

Look at the sticky threads on how to sell more articles to answer the other question.

Re: Question

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:31 pm
by Gouldm80
Hey, Veronica. I'm kind of new here, but I have taken some time to make a few computations in regards to your first question. I found that the really successful CC writers - the ones in the freelance hall of fame - appear to average between 800-1000 submissions per year. That's a fairly staggering number when you begin to sit down and attempt to write enough articles to reach that number. 800 would work out to be about 15.38 per week or slightly above 3 per day if you're working on articles 5 days a week. I'm personally just trying to write as many as possible whenever I can while still producing articles that I feel are decent enough quality that someone might want to purchase one. I've been at this off and on for 15 days so far and have written 24 articles. None have sold yet, but I'm hopeful that at least some will.
In regards to your second question, if you take some time and look through these posts you'll find that the amount of time it takes to sell various articles varies too greatly to really put a time frame on that. Some seem to sell almost immediately while others sit on the shelf for a year or more. I don't necessarily think there is a rhyme or a reason to this. Obviously, if you write for a public request, and the buyer likes your stuff more than that of anyone else, your chance to sell something quickly increases. The flip side of that coin is that there are other authors writing articles about that same topic, and yours could be inferior to theirs. Quite a few of the veterans on this site recommend writing articles for both public requests as well as random topics that you're personally interested in. That is the approach I'm taking. So far I haven't sold anything, but I can afford to wait it out. I think someone here figured out that about 70% of your articles will eventually sell. If you look at the freelancer hall of fame, you can see how many articles those individuals have written and how many they have sold for usage or full rights. All you have to do is get out your handy-dandy calculator and compute the percentage. Some people have sold a ridiculously high percentage of articles. One thing I try to keep in mind, and you may want to so do as well, is that those people on that list have been members here for at least 4 years. So their content has had 4 years of exposure and 4 years to have an opportunity to sell.
Best of luck to you. :)


Re: Question

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:36 pm
by Gouldm80
Thought you might also find this information helpful... ... 11&t=20803

Cheers! :)