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Number of Documents
Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 10:44 am
by VeronicaM
When I look at the public requests, there is something that says "Number of Documents". What does this mean? Does this stand for the number of people who have submitted work so far for the assignment?
Also what does the "Purchase Rating" mean on a public request?
Re: Number of Documents
Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 10:58 am
by Evelyn
The number of documents refers to how many the customer is aiming to buy. Don't be afraid to submit your articles to a public request that says only one, however. Last spring, I and several other people raked in a bunch of money writing tomato articles and the original request said only one. This particular customer did private requests with me and at least one other person, too.
You might have success with requests asking for one document if you take a slightly different angle on the subject. Buyers may like having the same topic looked at in different ways they hadn't thought about before.
Purchase rating refers to how many total articles the customer has bought from C-C. A high purchase rating means loyal customer, but a low purchase rating could mean new customer or one who is testing the system. In general, people around the forum recommend not writing to old public requests (two or three weeks old) for customers who have zero purchase rating, because they've probably seen articles and not bought them. HOWEVER (there's always a however), write and submit to a public request if it's up your alley because you'll probably sell it later if the requester doesn't buy it.