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Some advice for a "newbie".

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 3:00 pm
by LMartin
Hello all.

I've just registered with CC this evening, so I've been having a look around the site, seeing how things work. I do have a few questions still, perhaps one of you CC veterans can help me out?

1. I'm in the Uk, I see fees are made in US dollars, am I right in thinking that most authors on here are writing from the US? If so, do you think not being in the US will make much difference to me as an author and the amount of articles I am likely to sell?

2. I appreciate the many differences between US and UK grammar and spellings. Colour, flavour, centre etc - do I use US spellings in my articles as default?

3. I can see that clients "request" specific articles, and have found the area to look at them. As far as I can figure, the other option is to just write articles and plublish them on here. DOes it then work that clients come on here, look at the available articles and see if any suit their needs, then they purchase them? DO you authors just write anything that you think may appeal to potential clients and that you have a good knowledge of?

Thank you very much in advance, look forward to seeing you all on these forums.


Re: Some advice for a "newbie".

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 8:02 pm
by CRDonovan
Hi Lisa - welcome to CC. Your first question, maybe the second too - has just been discussed in detail by some writers from both sides of the pond - see the thread just below this one - I think it's called Writing for CC in this Questions and Answer section. (That's: Writing CC Articles)

As for your third question, yes. You can write about articles that you are interested in, knowledgable about, or think there's a market for - for spec in other words. Some of these do very well, most of them eventually sell - they don't usually have the quick turn around you sometimes find with articles that are requested, but you never know. When you go to submit articles, the first question is - is it for a request? The article is then routed to a particular customer's inbox, or to the general pool for sale.

There's tons of info on the forum, - all of your questions can be answered here. Good luck.

Re: Some advice for a "newbie".

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 8:23 pm
by jadedragon
Welcome Lisa,

1. The site operates in USD but the writers and clients are from around the English speaking world. CC is actually based in Canada and not being in from the US will not impact you at all. The biggest factor in your earnings will be your persistence in building a portfolio.

2. US or UK spelling is fine - just be consistent within each article.

3. Write requests and write on spec. Just build up your portfolio and you will start earning.

Re: Some advice for a "newbie".

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 3:34 am
by LMartin
Thank you both for your replies.

Since posting my questions I realised there were areas of the site I hadn't seen and I spent a few hours last night aquainting myself with the various "ways" of CC. I will also look at the threads below as you've suggested.

Thanks again.