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The Keyword Analysis is confusing

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 2:18 pm
by scottallan
I'm kind of a newbie here with only about 10 articles, but I'm not quite understanding the Keyword Analysis that appears for each article.

For the longest time, I thought the Keyword Analysis was an analysis of the entire article, and I was wondering why the stats that appeared weren't matching the stats I calculated when counting manually. Then I finally noticed that the text actually reads, "Keyword Analysis for Article Summary." But this didn't make sense either - why post a graphic analysis of the three-sentence article summary?

Then I realized that was wrong too. It looks like the Keyword Analysis is actually for the Sample, which represents 1/3 of the article (NOT the summary, which is three sentences.) Am I finally correct about this?

If so, I suppose I'll have to do a better job of spacing out my keywords throughout the article, because ideally I'd like that graph to be a snapshot of the keywords I'm using in the entire article, so that potential buyers know what they're getting. Too often, that is not the case.

Re: The Keyword Analysis is confusing

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 4:07 pm
by jadedragon
It is a count on the short preview. I would not worry about spacing out the keywords too much to satisfy that graph. Better to have the actual article flow properly.

Re: The Keyword Analysis is confusing

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 1:08 am
by jak
I doubt customers make much use of that chart. Because useful keywords are more often phrases, I don't think it helps much at all. Anytime I'm given a list of keywords by a customer or web designer, they always include more than one word.

Re: The Keyword Analysis is confusing

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 11:29 am
by LindaM
I recently wrote to support about this issue. I always do my own live keyword analysis before I submit work for approval. My results have been very different than CC's. Support responded by confirming that their keyword calculation is based on the article sample and since I only place a portion of my text for preview, this explains why my calculations were different from theirs. I suspect some of our customers do pay attention to the graphs since my articles with low keyword density tend to sit longer than higher ones.

Re: The Keyword Analysis is confusing

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 7:27 am
by Rickeroo
Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this but I am not getting a response through normal channels. I am a customer and submitted a project request on October 25th. It is still pending and no one responds to my emails. Is something broken or are they behind on reviewing requests? I am running out of time. If I need to go elsewhere to get the copy, I need to know. Thank you!

Re: The Keyword Analysis is confusing

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 1:32 pm
by Celeste Stewart
That seems like an awfully long time for the request to sit in pending status. I'd try resubmitting it as it may have been lost somehow.