"Article Declined" email (?)

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Joined: Mon Aug 16, 2010 6:30 pm

"Article Declined" email (?)

Post by MelissaNott »

Hi there,
This morning, I got two emails from CC informing me that articles I submitted for public request (long ago; I think it was August) had been declined and were now being moved to the general pool. Well, those articles have been in the general pool for several months and one of them was sold for full rights to someone else. Sounds like a computer glitch . . . I hope that's all it is. Is the "article declined for public request" something new they're toying with?

On a similar note, I sold an article 3 days ago and didn't get any email notification at all (well, correction: it came to my CC email but not my Yahoo email).

Is it Yahoo? Is it CC? Is it ME? :)
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Re: "Article Declined" email (?)

Post by aprilk10 »

Hi Melissa! I received the same. When we submit to the request, it remains exclusive to the client for 3 days. The article is then returned to the author's profile and made available to other clients. However, I think the original requesting client still has a notice about the article in their email. I think most clients either never respond to these or simply delete them. So...they can still "decline" or "accept" the article even after it has returned to the pool of available articles, it is just that the submission is not exclusive to them after 3 days. Hope that helps. I know I made it sound a little confusnig! :D
Posts: 78
Joined: Mon Aug 16, 2010 6:30 pm

Re: "Article Declined" email (?)

Post by MelissaNott »

You explained it very well. Thanks!