Grammar/Typo help for rejected article!

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Grammar/Typo help for rejected article!

Post by MarkThomasPGA »

Hi guys!!

Firstly may I say a big HELLO to everyone here. I'm pretty new and I'm looking forward to a long career with CC. With that being said, I have recently had an article rejected for "spelling errors or typos". My questions are:

1. Does this mean that my grammar and punctuation is ok?
2. I have spell checked it and typo checked it and all the words are how they should be so I'm guessing it's how I formatted it that may be the problem. Here is where I think it will be wrong:

before you hear.......”Keep your eye on the ball!”......”Straight left arm on the way back!”......”Don't let the club go past parallel at the top!”.... and so on and so on.

Please could any of you extremely nice people point out the proper way to word this as I'm struggling to find out anywhere!!

Also, can you put words into bold and/or italics??

Many thanks,

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Re: Grammar/Typo help for rejected article!

Post by Antonia »

Welcome Mark!

1. No, it doesn't necessarily mean everything else is okay. The editors stop reading as soon as they spot an error, so it's always a good idea to go over a rejected article extremely thoroughly before resubmitting. I usually set it aside for a day or so and come back to it with fresh eyes (or ask someone else to take a look).

2. I'm having a hard time figuring out your sentence without the beginning. Could you post the whole sentence? I do see that the ellipses are used incorrectly. There should only be three dots, and I don't believe that using ellipses to set off quotations is right. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong. Here's an interesting discussion of ellipses: