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Article in Review but Getting Hits

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 11:16 am
by Shadowflux
Hey everyone,

I'm new here, only wrote a couple articles so far. I noticed that one of the articles I've written is still in "Review" but it also says that it got 2 "Hit". My question is, does it register as a "Hit" if one of the editors/moderators reads it? Could it be that the article was accepted but I didn't notice it and someone wanted to buy it and so it went back into "Review? When someone decides to buy an article how long does it generally take before I am informed and my account is credited?

I'm really just trying to gauge how long it will take for my articles to be accepted because it's been at least two days since I've submitted this particular article.

Thanks in advance!

Re: Article in Review but Getting Hits

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 11:57 am
by Celeste Stewart
Welcome. Yes, the hits can be from you or possibly the editor. No one else can view it until it is live. Review times do vary and can take a few days, possibly longer if the article is not for a public request. When a customer purchases an article, you're notified immediately when the payment clears. Most pay via PayPal/credit card, so it's instant in those cases. For the few that use eChecks and regular checks, you're not notified but you may notice that your article's status changes to "waiting."

Re: Article in Review but Getting Hits

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 12:03 pm
by Shadowflux
How long does it usually take to review an article for a public request? I wrote an article specifically for a public request and tried to submit it as soon as possible to better my chances of the requester buying it. Will my review times be longer because I'm a new member?

Re: Article in Review but Getting Hits

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 12:16 pm
by Celeste Stewart
Public requests generally get prioritized because customers are waiting for them. I'm not sure, but I think that while the review team goes through the general article queue in order, they may occasionally approve articles by established CC members first because they know which writers consistently submit clean work. In theory, they can review those articles faster than the articles from writers they haven't yet become familiar with. I don't think this is always the case, but it makes sense for when they may be swamped.