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Full time income?

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 4:06 am
by UKWriter101
Hi all,

I know that many claim that you can make a full time income here, but I can't see how this is possible unless I am missing something, which I probably am ;). Or, perhaps others have a very different definition of a full time income. I hope to eventually make a consistent $1500-$2000 per month from Constant Content by submitting 20-25 articles per week. That is barely above the minimum wage in the UK as it is - but it's enough since I plan to live in Lithuania from summer ;).

The reason I am doubtful about the possibilities of making a full time income SOLELY from CC is that there really doesn't seem to be that much content selling. I look at the recently sold page every few hours every day and have been for the past month. There's certainly no more than 25-30 sales per day on average and a lot of those are private requests anyway. This surely means that there aren't many people earning a full time income from CC? I also notice that the top authors only sell 5-10 articles per week as well.

Anyway, I'm not complaining, especially since I feel I have done quite well so far. I've already made a good start with 9 sales, having started just under a month ago. Just curious really, and I am still trying to decide whether it's worth me putting all my time into CC (20-25 articles per week). Thanks in advance for any advice. :)

Re: Full time income?

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 9:03 am
by Lysis
Hi UK,

I have high debt, so I could never use CC solely as my income. Some of the veterans here get private requests, so that helps. I see CC as a few hundred dollars potential each month, but some people do make 4 figures. For me to make CC full time, I'd have to sell at least 5 articles a day, and there just isn't the traffic for that to happen. Before I came back, I had about 66% of my stuff sold, so I figure to get enough for an income, I'd have to do like 10 a day here. lol

I had two articles sell, though, a year after I wrote them and after I had stopped submitting here for a while. That's pretty nice.

If I sold 2 a day here, I'd be pretty happy, but I am not sure that's possible. If I could do $300/week here, I'd be happy. :D

Re: Full time income?

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 10:30 am
by Celeste Stewart
Hey, 9 sales in your first month is terrific! You're building momentum and getting noticed. Is a full-time income possible here? Yes. Writing for public requests and hopefully turning some of those clients into regulars who ask you to work on private requests is the best way in my opinion. It takes time though.

To give you an example, today I'll be submitting about $250-$300 worth of content in two documents (many of us bundle articles and landing pages into a single document when it's a private request). I'll net about $160-$200 for the day after the CC cut. While this will only register as two "sales," it'll bring me a nice income for the day. Depending on my mood, I may submit even more though I have a few other priorities today that I'll likely focus on.

Re: Full time income?

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 1:02 pm
by aprilk10
When pursuing a career as a freelance writer, a full-time income isn't instant, as it is with a typical job. You have to build up clientel and work opportunities over time. I am sure a full time income can be made by working solely at CC if enough time and effort is put into it. I think many freelance writers find it necessary to spread their work opportunities around though. Once you land a direct order client or two, you begin to see the potential here. However, keep in mind that those direct order clients may not always need work. I had one that was sending me work on a regular basis for a couple of months, but seems to all but have disappeared for the time being. I did get a couple of orders from her last month, but that was it. Once that work stopped coming in, I realized that I needed to expand my opportunities even more. Sure, I could just write on spec articles and hope they will sell...but for now, I need an upfront income. Thus, other writing sites are necessary. Building a full-time income as a freelancer takes time. It isn't like walking into a new job and immediately having a set income from the day you start. Good luck!