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C.C. still can't see my article

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 9:59 am
by valeriejayne
I rewrote my article on my laptop because it has Microsoft word on it. I sent my article after saving it in rtf file. CC states they accept files this way.

Well it still didn't work. CC still can't see it. I don't know what else to do. I don't even know if CC could see my article the first time I sent it, because it was rejected for a few other errors. If I could find out if CC was able to see it the first time, which I think they could (how would they know that there were errors if they couldn't open the file right?)

But after that first time, I sent it through a different program because I wanted a spell check and a word count, which I didn't have on that first program.

Anyways I need help! Why didn't it work from Microsoft word? Which I was told to use. you think CC could see that first article I sent? That one only said I had other errors, not that CC couldn't open the file. Any ideas would be deeply appriciated.

I also want to thank CC for allowing me to keep trying to send this file to them without kicking me out. I truly want to write for CC and my article looks really good now that I fixed it, I just can't seem to get it to CC in the right format.

Thanks for any help, Valerie

Re: C.C. still can't see my article

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 11:14 am
by ThisOldMan
I have used MS Word, Openoffice and, now, Abiword. What I did was save it in doc format. My articles have been shooting back and forth without any problems. Have you tried saving it in doc format and sending it like that?

btw I am using Abiword because it has all the tools I need at my fingertips. Spell checking, thesaurus, wikipedia lookup, etc, all at one click of the right mouse button.

Re: C.C. still can't see my article

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 11:40 am
by MayMonten
I agree with ThisOldMan -- try sending it as a doc file.

I use OpenOffice, and I've had problems when I tried to submit documents as rtf files. I even had some problems with plain text. But I haven't had any problems at all since I started submitting them as doc files -- that works like a charm.

Re: C.C. still can't see my article

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 12:10 pm
by aprilk10
I send all mine as .doc files also. I even had one returned once for being n .docx (even though I think that is one of the accepted ones). I'm not sure too many people even use rtf files. Doc is definitely the most popular!

Re: C.C. still can't see my article

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 12:40 pm
by ThisOldMan
The first article I sent was in txt format. It got rejected as incorrect formatting. So I am sticking to doc.

Re: C.C. still can't see my article

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 1:00 pm
by aprilk10
Copied the following from "Must Read Resources: New Authors Start Here" (By the way, I personally think this thread should appear at the top of the first page of the forum as a title all in its own instead of under Questions and Answers...just my opinion though. I think more new authors would see it then):

Accepted File Types
There have been a lot of questions lately about accepted file types when submitting articles to Constant Content. To make it easy for the customers and editors to open your documents, we can only accept documents submitted in the following file types:

doc (or Microsoft Word documents)
txt (or text documents from Notepad)
rtf (or rich text documents, which can be saved and opened from a variety of word processing programs)
html (without coding – some word processing programs have the ability to “save as” an html file)
pdf (to be honest, this file type is not our favorite, and many customers specifically ask that articles not be submitted in pdf format)
We will not be able to open any other file types, such as wps, odt, or docx, so we will have to reject any articles submitted in these file types. These types of rejections will not count against you (unless you keep submitting in a file type we can’t open), so there’s no need to worry if you accidentally submit in the incorrect format. Just resubmit with a file in the proper format attached.

Even though this says they accept other file types, it appears that sometimes other files work and sometimes they don't! For example, it says no docx, but I know at least one I had in this format went through. Also. it says txt, but authors are apparently having trouble with that as well. It definitely looks like.doc is the most preferred and best choice!

Re: C.C. still can't see my article

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 1:35 pm
by valeriejayne
OMG! Thanks you so very much! I will try doc . I really appreciate all the help!

It looks like doc is unanimous! You are all saying doc, so that's what I will try! Wish me luck!!


Re: C.C. still can't see my article

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 7:36 pm
by Antonia
Good luck Valerie! I also use Open Office and save as .doc with no trouble. Fingers crossed your next post is to announce your acceptance :)