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Article Length in Public Request--too long?

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 1:25 pm
by MelissaNott
Hi there,
I've got an article I'd like to submit to a public request, but my article is significantly shorter than the length indicated by the customer. Should I go ahead and submit anyway, or will I be penalized somehow for this?

Re: Article Length in Public Request--too long?

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 1:50 pm
by Celeste Stewart
Is the article already on CC? If so, the "attach article" feature allows you to write a short note to the requester. I'd submit it with a note explaining that you saw the request and thought that the attached short article might be a good fit for his site. As long as you're not spammy and as long as the article is well matched, submitting the article for the client's consideration shouldn't be a problem.