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Pen Name

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 9:49 am
by Will1987
I'm new to this site - why does it list the article as being written by my pen name? Does this mean that if someone has a usage license the article will be credited to my pen name? Might I be able to specify whether I want to use a pen name or my real name?



Re: Pen Name

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:00 am
by Evelyn
Howdy, Will. Welcome to C-C.

Articles are indeed credited to whatever name you put in the pen name field. You can use only one name--either a pen name or your real name. You can change that by going into your writer control panel, clicking on Edit My Account, and putting a new pen name in the first field. The system automatically changes all instances of your name throughout the site.

You should know that if you plan to submit articles you've written that are published on other websites (for usage only), the pen name on the other site must be very clear and must match your pen name here EXACTLY. Otherwise, your article will be instantly rejected for plagiarism. This site uses iThenticate or some other checker and every article is checked to see if any or all of it has been published elsewhere. Several authors have encountered rejections for stuff they really did write and the pen names didn't match, so watch out for this.

My advice is to use only one author name the whole time you're writing here. Customers will soon recognize you and make requests directly to you, so choose your name and stick with it. There are other threads that discuss the benefits and risks of pen names/real names, so dig into the forum search and read up on it.

Good luck to you! Visit the forums often--we're a vibrant community that's happy to help wherever we can!


Re: Pen Name

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:22 pm
by travisbaker
I have used my real name as pen name. My name is Travisbacker. i have used as Travis. You can use like this........... :lol:

Re: Pen Name

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 1:43 am
by jak
Hi Will. Everything on the site is accredited to your author name under which you signed up. But when you submit an article document, you can put your real name on it as a byline, as long as you gave that name to CC in your registration. I always put my real name byline under the title. Then when it sells for usage, the customer has to accredit it that way. If you don't put it in, they don't know it and can't use it.