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Posting part of an article

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:30 pm
by FondRegards
Hi everyone
Thank you for the helpful information in this forum.
I submitted my first article yesterday, and I am anxiouly awaiting the results of the review.
When submitting an article, do you recommend sending the required one third, or is it better to just put the whole article in, so it won't appear disjointed?
Also, I have read various postings determining asking price. To everyone who made those posts: When you refer to calculating payments per number of words, are you referring to the cost after the 35% is deducted? Example, if say you wanted ten cents per word, for 100 words, would you price it at one dollar, or would it be the one dollar, plus whatever the CC thirty five percent comes to?
Thank you.

Re: Posting part of an article

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:52 pm
by Celeste Stewart
I usually put the full article in the long summary. If you do put a sample, make sure it's obvious that the article continues by adding something like "Article continues to discuss point A, B, and C."

I have a spreadsheet that I use to calculate prices. It shows me both the asking price and the final 65% cut. For example, if I write a 465-word article and I plan on charging 10 cents per word, I know that I should enter $46.50 in the sales price field on CC. I also know that I'll earn $30.23 when it sells. If $30 seems too low for my efforts, I'll try entering some different numbers in the per word field. In this example, 15 cents per word would be $70 -- of that, I'd get $45.32.

If I know what I need to make before any calculations, for example, if I know I want to earn $65 after the cut, then I use a different formula:
Desired Price/.65.

If it sounds confusing, think about what you want to net and go from there.

Re: Posting part of an article

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 10:10 am
by FondRegards
Makes sense.Thank you. I am still waiting for my first review; the first submission must be the hardest to wait on.