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Editing newly-submitted content
Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 6:08 am
by misstamla
I hope someone can help. I haven't submitted content for some months (I've been busy renovating a property which has been far from problematical!). I'm a bit rusty; I have just submitted an article and, as soon as I clicked 'submit' I realised that I hadn't entered the word count box. Is there a way of editing it? I can't find it when I look for it in 'My Content'.
Many thanks in anticipation!
Re: Editing newly-submitted content
Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 9:50 am
by aprilk10
Generally,the system will not accept a submission if all fields are not filled in. It likely gave you a notice at the top (after trying to submit) that said something to the effect of "Uh-oh, this article has not been submitted..." The notice is always at the top and blends in,so it is easy to miss. It took awhile before I realized this. It does a similar thing when you try to delete an article. Anyway....long story short, it sounds like the system didn't accept it. If it is not in your "My Content" area, it didn't go through. Just resubmit it.
I know, it is kind of a pain to have to rewrite the short summary, etc. This is why I started keeping a seperate Word doc to save short summaries. Then when an article has to be revised, I can just go back and find that summmary instead of rewriting it all over again!
Re: Editing newly-submitted content
Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 2:07 pm
by misstamla
Thanks for the reply, Aprilk 10 - it looks very much as if I didn't submit it after all! I even emailed support; obviously, they couldn't find the article! Luckily, like you, I saved the keywords and short summary in a separate document - something I learned in time! Now I have to hope it's accepted !
Many thanks