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Format - 2 spaces after a period like normal?
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 4:25 pm
by Hannah047
I didn't read anything regarding whether instead of 2 spaces after a period, there should only be one.
Can someone tell me what the rule is here. I know the right way is 2 spaces.
Re: Format - 2 spaces after a period like normal?
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 4:42 pm
by JD
This should help: ... tence.aspx
However, I don't think your article will be rejected if you use two spaces. From what I can tell, there are a number of authors who use two spaces after a period.
Kind regards,
Re: Format - 2 spaces after a period like normal?
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:49 pm
by aprilk10
Out of habit, I use 2 spaces. I am trying to break that habit!

It was correct for typewriters because of monospaced font, but the need is no longer there with computers. In fact, I think it messes up some formats, such as right alignment. If a client buys an article with 2 spaces and happens to right align it for their own formatting, they will end up with a bunch of wide spacing and will have to go back and take out the extra spaces...This is why I am really TRYING to break the habit! It is hard when you learn it that way though!

Re: Format - 2 spaces after a period like normal?
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:56 pm
by Hannah047
I had the feeling. Why? Because the two spaces look too spacious. (Say that 5 times real fast.)
One more thing please: On the reference list, I used MLA style. When a web address has to be part of the references, do I leave out the www, even though it is not part of the article.
Also, I skipped 2 spaces at the end of my article to begin the reference list. Is that correct?
These little things should be detailed somewhere. It isn't fair for me being new. How would I know their protocol?
Thank you for your replies. It comes back to you in some way. Know that!!!
Re: Format - 2 spaces after a period like normal?
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:59 pm
by Hannah047
Also, I used an MLA thing online and it used < and > at the beginning and end of each citation. I messaged them and they told me to leave it in. Should I?
Re: Format - 2 spaces after a period like normal?
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 6:30 pm
by aprilk10
Hannah, if you haven't already, read the thread titled "Must-Read Resources - New Authors: Start Here" under "Questions and Answers."
As far as citing sources, I can't tell you much there. I haven't cited sourcs since college. You don't really need to bother with exact MLA or anything I don't think. I can't say for sure though since I don't typically add a resources section on anything I write here. Writing for the web is much different than writing essay papers and reports for college. If I have a fact or statistic from somewhere, I just say "According to the..." In things I have written elsewhere in which I include a"Resources" section at the bottom (I very rarely do that) I just provide the website urls. Since www is not allowed, just write as
I get the idea that you are making this much harder than it really is. Try not to think of it as a college is a whole new ballgame from school.
Re: Format - 2 spaces after a period like normal?
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 7:47 am
by Hannah047
I hear you, April. I am making it more difficult and complicated.
The thing is though, I chose to do my article on Medical Cannabis which required research in the scientific community, especially. It was necessary, I think, to cite sources due to the studies I referred to.
For my first article, I should NOT have chosen this topic. It was a lot of work and when it comes down to it, if I make anything on it, it will be about 5 cents an hour. I spent countless hours researching this topic. If you knew how long I spent on this article you wouldn't believe it. Never again will I do that!
Thank you for the information.
I had no idea the amount of spaces after a period had changed, but I did have a suspicion because it just doesn't look good with the 2 spaces, like it used to with a typewriter.
I am finishing up now, and re-submitting it. I don't even want to look at this article for a while. LOL!
Again, thank you.
Re: Format - 2 spaces after a period like normal?
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 7:49 am
by Hannah047
Thank you, JD.