Query on rejection notification "do not re-submit"

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Query on rejection notification "do not re-submit"

Post by Balloon »

Hello all, I have another question on rejection notifications.

My articles have recently been bogged down by this "do not re-submit" issue.

I'd sent my articles for reviews, and initially they were rejected. The editors cited grammatical errors as the reason.

Well, fair enough. I edited my work, and resubmitrd the article, and it was rejected again, based on the reason "do not re-submit".

I thought it was because my article was too similar to the one I re-wrote. Thus, I went ahead and changed the entire sentence structuring and phrasing of my article.

And here it is again, being rejected again, and given a rather stern "You were told not to re-submit".

That's when I thought that I might have missed a good part of the story. Hope you guys can let me on about what "do not re-submit" actually means, and the appropriate corrections required to resolve this editorial issue. Pardon me for any spelling errors or misplaced punctuation marks; its hard to type on a 4" screen.
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Re: Query on rejection notification "do not re-submit"

Post by Antonia »

"Do not re-submit" means literally that - don't re-submit the article again. This can happen when an article is rejected once and is re-submitted with a large number of errors. The way I think of it is, you're given one chance to get an article up to scratch, and if it's still not there, the editors don't really want to see it again - not a good use of their time.

Unfortunately, what this means for you is that you'll need to set that article aside (perhaps submit it somewhere else with more lax quality control standards). I suggest starting from scratch with a new article. You might want to ask someone to proofread it for you to minimize the chance of another rejection. Good luck!
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Re: Query on rejection notification "do not re-submit"

Post by jadedragon »

Never heard of this kind of rejection. Maybe the article is not within the kind of content the site is looking for, or maybe it is persistent errors.

I suggest trying a new topic, something short and simple to get an accept. Lucky they did not just ban you.