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How to Delete Rejected Article

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 5:38 pm
by ChristinaGregoire
I want to delete a rejected article because the editor said that I needed to add a hyphen and make other changes. I don't know what the other changes are and I think it would be easier to upload a totally new article.

I'm not sure how to delete the rejected article.

On a different subject, I made changes to another article that was rejected but I did not see that I had to click update before resubmitting. I think I resubmitted without the change taking effect. What can I do? I really hope that the editors go easy on me for small technical errors like this. I'm a newbie and this site is so very, very different than the other sites.

Re: How to Delete Rejected Article

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 9:40 am
by MelodyJCompere
I agree with your frustration.