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Can't Contact Content Buyer ??????????????????

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 3:44 pm
by ChristinaGregoire
I would like to contact someone who has requested articles for Baby Boomers. The customer has asked for article/topic ideas at this URL: ... 8029/#8851

I have five accepted articles. I thought that five was the magic number which would enable me to contact customers. I'm not trying to avoid paying the fee to Constant Content. I'm happy to pay the fee because I want to establish myself as a Baby-Boomer specialist.

If I were able to clarify what kinds of articles this customer is seeking, I could give them exactly what they want. Do they want humor? Do they want medical info? I specialize in Baby Boomers....but it is a fairly broad topic encompassing a large cohort.

I just got back from Paris...I'm revved up...I see some requests that are right up my alley....and...voila! Nothing works. HELP. SOS. The contact link is broken. Is there some kind of tech support? Does anyone know who to contact? I want to build a resume and create a presence at Constant Content, but I can't do that with broken links. This is extremely frustrating. Any ideas?

Re: Can't Contact Content Buyer ??????????????????

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 3:47 pm
by ChristinaGregoire
Actually, I am going to try again. I might have found the correct link.

Re: Can't Contact Content Buyer ??????????????????

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 12:14 am
by Kaskazaraku

I just signed up yesterday. I am also wondering how I can contact content buyers.

Just to send them a little question! But when I click the link, they say I must send a whole article...

Any idea how I can ask the buyer my question?

Re: Can't Contact Content Buyer ??????????????????

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:44 pm
by EricTroy
Yes, I was wondering about contacting buyers as well. I don't see how a freelance writer is supposed to do business with customers without being able to communicate with them. When someone asks me to write an article outside CC (I'm new here) I always clarify their needs before I begin because otherwise it can be a shot in the dark. But my thought is that if these are public requests, CC does not want customers deluged with questions. To give everybody a fair shot of having their article accepted by the customer making the request, you must send an article and hope for the best? I'm just guessing. My advice would be to just write the best articles you can and hope the customers like them. I can tell you that, from past experience, website owners only occasionally want very specific coverage of a topic. They usually simply want a variety of very good content concerning the topic. However, the topics I deal with are not so broad as baby boomers so I can see the difficulty for sure. Magazines I have no experience with but I suspect they want much more specific coverage.

Re: Can't Contact Content Buyer ??????????????????

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 11:13 am
by JoyRCalderwood
Constant-Content has their own rules about how things are done and it works for them. You either choose to participate or not. You can only contact a customer if there is a private request. Even if you could contact the client there is no guarantee they would buy your work. It is open to everyone to participate.

Yes, you take the bit of information asked for and write, submit and hope they choose yours. If they don't choose yours it will be put into the general pool for sale.

You can still be a freelance writer doing things this way.