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Submitted e-book for a request

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 2:31 pm
by Pearl Grace

Last Thursday, I submitted an e-book specifically for a public request (and marked it as such). As a courtesy, I responded to the customer who had requested the e-book, informing him I had submitted it and covered all the points he'd requested. I told him I didn't know how long it would be before I heard back from CC's review but that as soon as I heard, I'd let him know.

So, today, I just got an email from the customer. He's asking me if I know how long it will be before CC gets back to me with their review. Also, he asked if he could look at the ebook before I hear back from CC. First, I have no idea how long it would take. Over the last few years, it's gone from 1 day to 2 weeks or more before I hear back from CC. Next, I'm thinking CC must have some sort of guidelines against showing a customer an e-book without CC's review.

The only reason why I contacted the customer in the first place was as a courtesy to give him the heads up that I'd written one and that it might take awhile to hear back from CC. Plus, in the request, it said the writers could contact him with questions. Can anyone here advise on how I should handle this with the requester of the e-book? Thank you very much.

Pearl Grace

Re: Submitted e-book for a request

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 6:30 pm
by Evelyn
Hello there, Pearl. From what I've read on the forums, you should NOT send the customer anything to look at before it's approved by the editors. This protects you from losing your work without getting paid and also protects the customers from being inundated by random writers.

In the U.S., this is Independence Day. Dunno if Canadians celebrate anything around the 4th of July, but if there are U.S. editors they might be taking a few days off. In addition, an ebook is somewhat longer to read... So there you go.

Send a note back to the customer advising him/her to wait until you hear back from the editors. If he/she wants to contact the support desk to ask how long it'll be, that's just fine too.

You're a long-time member of C-C. It's good to meet you! I'm still a newbie compared to you!

Re: Submitted e-book for a request

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 5:58 am
by Pearl Grace
Hi Evelyn.

Thanks for your reply. It's pretty much what I thought as I write for some other websites who would definitely eject a writer for releasing work to the publishers without going through the website. I'll do as you suggest. Take care.

Pearl Grace