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Queer Account Submissions

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 2:06 am
by norv
Hey everyone!
Ive been working with CC for some time now, I recently came back from a long hiatus jut to find that my account has being suspended for no apparent reason.After emailing CC and having received no response, I created about 3 different accounts and they were all suspended even before the articles could have possibly been reviewed(in a couple of hours). If anyone has any info regarding this issue, please let me k now. While you may want to post it here so everyone can see, please also send me an email with your responses at [email removed] as I know this account may also be suspended soot. Thanks you for reading!

Moderator's note: I removed the email address for your protection. We get a large number of spammers here and they scrape email addresses. We do, however, care about all our members. If you've emailed support and find out an answer, please post it here--and other forum members may respond to you. The only way you'd be banned from the forums is if you are a spammer.

Re: Queer Account Submissions

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 4:12 pm
by carpenjoyce
I would have to say I disagree with the statement "the only way you would be banned from the forums is if you are a spammer." My account was banned at one point, and I have never come close to spamming anyone. Apparently someone made a mistake. Once I emailed support, I was promptly reinstated, but I just wanted people to know that it can happen.

Re: Queer Account Submissions

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 8:55 pm
by Evelyn
I did indeed ban you accidentally, and I apologize and am glad that Eric unbanned you immediately. Again, I try to be careful but have slipped up twice.

Since I started the banning war with the spammers, we've had to delete far fewer spams than before. In the past month I've banned more than 2,700 spammers and we've deleted about 230 spam posts. In April and May before I declared war, we deleted more than 630 spam posts. It's not OK that I inconvenienced you and sallic, but it's done some good overall.

I'll continue to be careful! And maybe someday all the forum spammers in the world will be kidnapped by aliens and removed from polite society. :lol:

Re: Queer Account Submissions

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:01 am
by carpenjoyce
No problem. I'm glad you ban spammers--they're incredibly annoying.