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Rules re: Using Other Similar Services

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 9:42 am
by Sbudsky

I'm new to freelance writing, but am really trying to hit the ground running. I've just signed up for Constant Content and have also registered for another website that works similarly. The way this other service (I won't mention it by name, but I imagine many of you are familiar with it..) works is that you submit articles for review much like on Constant Content, but they will either buy rights to your work and publish it themselves, buy rights to sell to a 3rd party, or approve your article to be displayed on their website (in which case, you maintain full rights).

Anyway, I'm wondering what the etiquette and rules are in terms of using both Constant Content and this other service simultaneously. Is it okay to submit the same article to both services, assuming that I remove it promptly from Constant-Content if the other service purchases and/or publishes it first (and vice versa)?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Re: Rules re: Using Other Similar Services

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 4:50 pm
by kay1122
Hi and welcome! I would wait and see what the other site does with your article. If they buy the full rights to it, then you don't have to do anything further. However, if you maintain the rights to it, you may be able to put it here for usage rights only. You need to check with their regulations, though, because some sites don't allow you to publish it elsewhere even if you have full rights. For instance, one place where I also submit articles does not allow you to repost the article elsewhere for a year. Good luck!