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Reusing existing published content

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:17 pm
by DavidFarrell
What are the rules here for offering for sale existing content that has been published elsewhere? This assumes that I am the author of said content and I retain rights to republish the content. I also assume it could only be sold here as usage not unique or full rights due to being already published.

Re: Reusing existing published content

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:25 pm
by Celeste Stewart
If you do have retained the rights to republish and if your name is clearly attributed so that there's no question in CC's mind, you can indeed republish for usage rights here. However, make sure that the original article adheres to CC's guidelines - no first person voice, fiction, etc... I recommend getting comfortable with CC first by writing a couple of original articles that conform to all guidelines. Once you're thoroughly comfortable with what CC wants (and what its customers are buying), you'll be in a better position to judge whehter your previously published articles will fit in. Some will, others might not. Good luck and welcome!

Re: Reusing existing published content

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 3:24 pm
by DavidFarrell
Thanks for your response; since most of my good articles were written over two years ago, I expect to have to edit them anyhow. I have been studying the extended guidelines and want to submit stuff that conforms to what is expected here. Writing here is more like what I was doing for Yahoo before I switched to writing exclusively on the topic of video games.

Putting some of the old articles up for usage rights will not be my first priority; right now I just want to get past the three strikes zone and get established. Should I wait until my first article clears or should I start flooding the queue? I don't think they can reject me for poor writing as I make sure I fix all common errors and write coherently; if I do get rejections it will probably be over minor errors (such as using AP down style in headlines; now Examiner has had me write that style) and I'll simply adjust my style to comply with the preference. I just want to get past the three strikes and start pumping quality in here so I can get some needed income.

Re: Reusing existing published content

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:38 pm
by jadedragon
Sounds like you have nothing to worry about. Put one up, wait, than do another. Approvals are pretty fast now. Also, most sales are for full rights here so new fresh content is much better.

Re: Reusing existing published content

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:13 am
by DavidLewis
jadedragon wrote: Approvals are pretty fast now.
My first article took almost a week to be reviewed. The average times are shorter than that or longer?

Re: Reusing existing published content

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 11:38 am
by jellygator
Yep. That. :mrgreen:

It can be either, but a week is a good expectation.