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"Review" Status

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 11:13 am
by LauraZ26
Hi, I was just wondering what it meant when the status said "review." I submitted an article to a public request on Tuesday and the request expired last night, but my status has said "review" ever since I submitted it Tues. afternoon. I was under the impression that it meant an editor was looking over it before putting it out there, but I also notice now that it says "number of articles sold under review" or something something. Can the customer who requested the content see it/see that they have an article/read it/etc. when it's under "review" status? I'm just a little concerned since the request expired now. Don't want them to think I turned it in late!


Re: "Review" Status

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 1:16 pm
by Celeste Stewart
Review means that it's in the queue and has not yet been accepted or declined. It can take several days before an editor gets to it. As long as you submitted it to a specific request, once it's approved it will still be forwarded to the customer even though the request expired. There's still hope :)