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"Guide to Succeeding" issue

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 5:44 pm
by Currie
The "Guide to Succeeding on Constant Content" linked on the dashboard gives the following advice for creating content that will sell:

"Explore the best-selling categories statistics found on your writer dashboard and write articles for those categories."

For a long time, I've wished Constant Content had this feature. I even went to the the effort of regularly tallying the recent sales in the hope of creating some statistics of my own. If someone could please show me where on the writer dashboard these statistics can be found, it would be greatly appreciated.

Re: "Guide to Succeeding" issue

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 6:32 pm
by Celeste Stewart
When you sign in, if you scroll down, you should see some extra stats. CC seems to have changed it slightly since I last looked. Right now it shows the Recently Sold and search topics. I think it used to list popular categories.

Also, you can look at the inventory of articles by category here:

Re: "Guide to Succeeding" issue

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 6:40 pm
by Currie
Yep, the "recently sold" and "search" stats are in the second point listed on page 4, here: ... dGuide.pdf

"Recently sold" and "search" are noted separately from the "best-selling categories statistics," which would logically mean this is a separate feature, but I guess it's just not there? It would be more useful to me than both the 'recently sold' and the 'searches' info, so that sucks. The pdf really got my hopes up.