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Incorrect amount for the Amount Due in my profile

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 3:27 pm
by Lysis
I already emailed support on this, but just in case it gets lost or they read here, I want to get someone's attention and thought other writers should check their accounts. It's a money issue, so you know how that can put people in a panic. :)

I sold 2 articles this pay period for $45 each. The second one sold yesterday. Well, I didn't receive an email about it, which I thought was odd, but noticed my "Amount Due" was correct, so I didn't think much of it. Anyway, I checked today and my income is now only $19.50, which does not add up to even 1 article sold.

So, CC if you read here, please look at my account. Also, other writers might want to check.

Re: Incorrect amount for the Amount Due in my profile

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 4:11 pm
by Lysis
Followup in case anyone else goes through it:

I was supposed to get notification that an article I sold last pay period was returned (it sold right before the cutoff), so after the debit, the new amount is what was shown in my account. Sucks for me, but good to know it wasn't a pay error. Just lettin' everyone know what to look for in case it happens to them.