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Account Suspension

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:08 am
by MuneerMD
My account was suspended due to grammatical mistakes. However, since then, my grammar has improved significantly, and I can compose good quality articles now. The articles that I had submitted for Constant Content were not my best work and I can write better articles now. I did not know that Constant Content was very strict on grammar. So, I wasted my first chance due to my carelessness. However, I took the news of my account suspension to heart and since then, I have concentrated all my efforts to improve my writing. I would love to write for Constant Content again. I know that accounts on CC are not reinstated under ordinary conditions. However I have also heard that a few authors have been given a second chance. I think that a second chance would be a good gesture of professionalism. So, is there any way that I can get another chance at writing for Constant Content?

I am also willing to submit a sample article so that editors can review my work before giving me a second chance.

Looking forward to replies by both authors and the Constant Content staff.


Re: Account Suspension

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 7:35 pm
by evaku
I have no idea if you'll be allowed to do this, but I want to wish you good luck! I'm lucky that my account never got suspended. The first three articles I submitted were not too great and got sent back a couple of times for various issues before being accepted. I bet I was a few more submissions away from getting suspended myself. I forgot about the site for a few months, vastly improved my writing, came back, and had 7 articles in a row now accepted on first try. So, I know people can improve, and I think if an editor had looked at my articles on a slightly less patient day, I might have been in the same boat as you. I hope you get your second chance!