Payments Delayed Again?

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Payments Delayed Again?

Post by anarch »

I was wondering if something had been said about our monthly payments being late and, perhaps, I simply missed it? I know they can be delayed sometimes, especially when there are big orders coming in right before payday, but it's been several days since I've sold content of any significant amount. Also, as a rule, we get some form of courtesy letter that lets us know that payments are running a bit behind. After receiving nothing of the sort, I have emailed support, but have received no response.

Does anyone know what is going on?
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Post by catnipp333 »

I was just getting ready to post the SAME question -- I have not been paid yet either & USUALLY do on the 1st of the month. They did post a note on here on the first of March, but not since then that I can see regarding late payments. It does take til the 3rd some months I guess, but I have pretty much always got it on the 1st or 2nd. Let's hope it gets done today!

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Post by writewellcfl1 »

Constant will be able to tell you for sure, but I heard that there have been some problems with PayPal and their servers over the past few days. I wish I could tell you more, but just be patient and hopefully support will get back to you soon.
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Post by constant-content »

Sorry everyone... PayPal had an issue Friday and we couldn't get payments out. Even though our editors work 24-7 support and accounting (Me) don't. I was out Saturday but payment will be made Sunday (Today).

Sorry for the delay but we can't control things like weekends, holidays, and PayPal.
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Post by Sarah81 »

Um...yeah. PayPal was down in a big way on the first of the month. Users couldn't even log in, much less do anything else. Apparently their overnight maintenance did not go as well as planned. But, hey, these things happen sometimes :)
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Post by monkeypie »

Just wondering-- do we have to make $50 each month before getting paid? The last few months I've made several hundred dollars and payments were always right on time-- this month I slacked off somewhat and made less than $50 (barely) but have not been paid and it's now the fifth of the month.

If anyone has time to answer, please clarify if you can.

--kaanii powell-cleaver / monkeypie
Shirley Shane
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Post by Shirley Shane »

Well, I'm new here and so far haven't sold anything. But from my understanding of the payment plan, we have to make at least $50 to get paid at all. If we only make $30 or $40, we don't receive payment.

Is that right, all you experienced folks? :roll:

S. Shane
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Post by writewellcfl1 »

The payment threshold is indeed $50, so if you make less than that, you have to wait until the next month to get paid (and hopefully you'll have reached the threshold by then).
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Post by constant-content »

With that said you can asked to be paid at anytime but please don't make a habit of it. Its not like we will keep the $45 if you never reach the threshold.