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How can I tell if I submitted to a public request?

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 5:56 am
by stelle
I've been away from CC for a few years now - had originally written and uploaded 8 articles in 2010, 7 of which sold. In a sudden fit of inspiration and motivation, I'm back!

I submitted four articles for review on Monday. One of them was supposed to be a for a public request, but I can't remember if I specified that. Looking at my article now (under "edit"), there's no record of it having been submitted for a public request. I know that articles for public requests are reviewed more quickly, and this particular request expires today.

Is there any way to check if I did actually specify that it was for a public request? Would it be smarter at this point to just delete the submission altogether and resubmit (specifying that it's for a public request)? I'd hate to lose my place in the queue. I'm just not sure what the best way is to increase my chances of meeting the public request deadline.

Thanks for any insight!
(who is nervous right now that she's jumping the gun by submitting four articles and is praying to the comma gods that she didn't make any stupid mistakes that will get her thrown out)

Re: How can I tell if I submitted to a public request?

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 3:53 pm
by stelle
Never mind! The article has been approved. Now to see if it sells...