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Full article in the long summary

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 5:43 pm
by Julie

I'm wondering about the long summary. My thinking is, the more of the article that appears there, the more likely a customer is to want to buy it. It only occurred to me after reading another post in the forum that publishing the whole article in the long summary will probably eliminate the possibility of being able to sell the article for full rights. This is true, yes?

Assuming yes, do the buyers realize what they are reading in the long summary is a snippet of the entire piece? Is there a typical approach to what to eliminate from the summary, such as the final third? I think I've viewed some others that skip around a bit with what is eliminated. Would a buyer realize what was going on?


Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 5:59 pm
by Celeste Stewart
I believe the customer is more inclined to buy when they do see the whole thing and I submit the entire article in the long summary all the time. That's what I do and it's served me well.

For private requests (even public ones for that matter) -- definitely sub the whole thing! Seriously, not doing so implies you don't trust them (at least that's how I would take it). Plus, they have commissioned you to do a job for them, the least you can do is show them what they're getting.

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 6:12 pm
by Ed
Posting the entire article in the long summary will not prevent it from being able to be sold for full rights.


Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 6:24 pm
by Celeste Stewart
I agree with Ed. The majority of mine go for full rights. Just in the last couple of months have usage sales become more popular but for me, they still remain a minority.

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 6:35 pm
by jfmalewitz
Would trust be an issue here? I think I will follow the idea to post the entire article all the time. If it works I won't question it. Just wondered if the ideas or article might be stolen. I have yet to fall victim to such a thing, but that's paranoia talking. I know CC says they police such things.

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 6:52 pm
by Celeste Stewart
I know people do worry about theft and with as many spammers that we see hitting these boards surely it is a concern. I wish there were a way to show customers our stuff without worrying about bad guys swiping it. I'm still sticking to showing the entire article though. I may change my tune if I get burned. But hey, we even had bad guys stealing articles using illegally obtained credit cards so . . .they can buy articles, download the entire thing, do what they will and still get away without paying us.

Maybe CopyScape can invent some sort of real-time monitoring system. Hmmn, too bad I'm not an inventor or software writer.

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 7:28 pm
by Celeste Stewart
CopyScape does have a monitoring service... ... 6914fe143f

I suppose it could add up and be quite pricey with all the pages this site would have to monitor. Plus a bit hard to manage because most sales and matches will be legitimate. Maybe if there was a button on the "purchase now" page where the customer can do a quick CopyScape check of his own to be sure that he's getting original content or to better judge how often the article appears elsewhere....

They also have plagierism banners that you can put on websites. Not sure if they are a real deterrent or not but maybe?

I did a little experiment and CopyScaped some of my original articles (both those that sold for use and those that have yet to sell) and didn't find any problems (well, one guy didn't properly credit my name but that's a whole different rant about the problem with usage). Granted it was a small sampling but if you just have a few articles you want to police yourself, it's something you can do. Just copy the CC URL of your article into CopyScape and see where it pops up.

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 8:12 pm
by Kat DeLong
I post the whole thing because Celeste told me to. :roll:

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 8:20 pm
by jfmalewitz
She did sell ten billion articles (or was it nine?). I do have one question that may be easy. What if we do find such an article stolen? Do we tell Constant? My paranoid mind wants to know.

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 11:25 pm
by Celeste Stewart
Always listen to Celeste! She knows all! LOL

Yes, contact support and they'll help you out. They're great. Shoot, they even banned an entire continent so they have the power!