Not a question...just a thanks

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Not a question...just a thanks

Post by Lizaj »

Wasn't sure where to put this. Just wanted to thank administration for your patience. I've been at this computer all day submitting and resubmitting which means someone has been there all day reading and thanks!

Apologies for my flub regarding "requesting content" as well. It will not happen again...and just on a lark I think I'll start actually reading before I do something. :roll:
Article Admin
Posts: 724
Joined: Wed Sep 07, 2005 4:49 pm

Post by Article Admin »


You said,
I've been at this computer all day submitting and resubmitting which means someone has been there all day reading and thanks!
You are welcome. I was popping in and out of the approval area all day. I appreciate your hard work revising the articles. Congratulations on having patience each time you saw a rejected article in your inbox. I know how frustrating it can be. Thanks to you also for your patience. Writers like you make my day. :)