So a bunch of my articles for the energy topic were released to the open pool today. Is this an indication of anything other than the fact that it's been about a week and a half since they were approved? i.e. have the editors decided they're not actually suitable for the next energy order or is it just an automatic thing? I know that for regular public requests articles are released after the request expires but since the standing orders are still active I'm wondering.
If it is just an automatic thing do I need to use the "submit existing article" function for emailing customers to get it back in the queue for that standing request? Or will they still show up as existing and ready to be sold the next time the editors start pushing relevant articles over to "waiting" for an upcoming energy order?
Articles for standing requests released.
Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant
Re: Articles for standing requests released.
All articles submitted to requests - including standing requests - go into the general pool after 3 days or so. The energy/mobile tech/credit card requests aren't solely for the bulk orders, they're topics that sell well. When the next bulk energy order comes in, CC will automatically add existing, suitable articles to the order for the customer to review. Then they put out an urgent call to make up the remaining difference.
So your articles may sell before the next bulk order, or may be included in it. Your best bet is to put them out of your mind and concentrate on writing more on those topics, or others, and await the "article sold" notification!
So your articles may sell before the next bulk order, or may be included in it. Your best bet is to put them out of your mind and concentrate on writing more on those topics, or others, and await the "article sold" notification!

Re: Articles for standing requests released.
If there's another bulk order for energy, there's a good chance that you'll see your articles' status change to "waiting". That means they're included in the bulk order. If you don't see the status change, then you can submit them to the order.
I'm wondering about the mobile phone standing request. I submitted some articles well over a month ago, and they haven't been released to the general pool yet. It makes them very hard to sell! I just hope there's a bulk order relatively soon, and they sell, so that they aren't just sitting indefinitely without being available to anyone.
I'm wondering about the mobile phone standing request. I submitted some articles well over a month ago, and they haven't been released to the general pool yet. It makes them very hard to sell! I just hope there's a bulk order relatively soon, and they sell, so that they aren't just sitting indefinitely without being available to anyone.
Re: Articles for standing requests released.
Articles for the standing requests seem to get "stuck" a lot. They don't always make it automatically into the next order either because they don't appear in the general pool when C-C search it to add the pre-existing articles. I've had to email support on numerous occasions to have pieces for standing orders released from limbo. They've been very good about it, but it's a glitch that may be costing them - and us - business.