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Title case in subheads

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 10:44 am
by geniuswaitress

I'm used to freelancing for magazines, and I follow the house style guide of the client. I'm uncertain what the preferred style is here.

In capitalizing subheads, should prepositions of four letters or more be capitalized (a la AP style), or lowercase (a la Chicago Manual of Style)? Or is it a matter of choosing my own preference?


Re: Title case in subheads

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 12:44 am
by Abbamay
Hi geniuswaitress,

Sorry, it looks like no-one saw your question, and I think that happened with your question about a public request link too.

I have looked through the writer guidelines on the site and can't find a good answer for your question about title case. Hopefully other writers will see this thread now, but otherwise ask CC and they should hopefully let you know. :)

Re: Title case in subheads

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 12:09 pm
by jak
When you put a title in the submission page, make sure the Auto-capitalization box is ticked. I'm not sure how this works, but would imagine it will change what it doesn't like. If anything is changed, make sure your document matches it before you upload.