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When is a Public Request NOT a Public Request?
Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 9:38 am
by EFowler
Quick question, I received an email from CC this morning with the new public requests, and one of them was about treatment for a decaying tooth. Now, I often see dental articles selling and I've always assumed it was someone's private requests, so was surprised when I saw this email.
I clicked the link and it takes me to the request, that says "Please see the file "Blog Post Outline" that I included in my message to your earlier for instructions on how to develop this post.".
This would also indicate that it was a private request, and it doesn't show up under the public request tab, so why am I seeing it? Tad confused!
Re: When is a Public Request NOT a Public Request?
Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 11:27 am
by Lysis
EFowler wrote:Quick question, I received an email from CC this morning with the new public requests, and one of them was about treatment for a decaying tooth. Now, I often see dental articles selling and I've always assumed it was someone's private requests, so was surprised when I saw this email.
I clicked the link and it takes me to the request, that says "Please see the file "Blog Post Outline" that I included in my message to your earlier for instructions on how to develop this post.".
This would also indicate that it was a private request, and it doesn't show up under the public request tab, so why am I seeing it? Tad confused!
It was probably a "Public Pool Request." That you would have gotten in email right away, but someone grabbed it already.
Re: When is a Public Request NOT a Public Request?
Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 1:20 pm
by EFowler
Ah, ok . . . . what's a public pool request please? How does it differ from a 'public request'?
Re: When is a Public Request NOT a Public Request?
Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 5:42 am
by Lysis
Public pool request is if you're in that writer pool. All writers in that pool get an email about the request, and then someone claims it. Whoever claims it is the one who is responsible for writing it. Usually, they get claimed quick. I've done a couple of these, and it's similar to a private request once you claim it.
Public request is just an open request for anyone to write it, and you basically just submit your piece. The customer then chooses the article he wants from the writers who chose to write to the request.
Re: When is a Public Request NOT a Public Request?
Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 8:47 am
by EFowler
Ooh, thanks Lysis - does that mean I'm in a writer pool? I didn't even realise, how would I find that out?
Re: When is a Public Request NOT a Public Request?
Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 8:49 am
by Lysis
If you click the writer pool nav link in your author navigation panel, it will show you what pools you're in. It also tells you in the writer's profile.
Re: When is a Public Request NOT a Public Request?
Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 8:59 am
by EFowler
Lysis wrote:If you click the writer pool nav link in your author navigation panel, it will show you what pools you're in. It also tells you in the writer's profile.
Hmm, I don't have a writer pool link, and there's nothing on my author profile about it either.
I think it must be some kind of mistake . . . . . I was getting a bit excited there thinking I was in a writer pool already
Re: When is a Public Request NOT a Public Request?
Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 10:20 am
by Lysis
oh, weird. I'm all out of guess then! ha!
Private and public pool requests you get right away. You get the public summary at the end of the day (well, end of the day in my world..maybe beginning in others' worlds
Re: When is a Public Request NOT a Public Request?
Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 2:20 am
by EFowler
Hmm, ok, this is weird - I've now got 'writers pool request' in the drop down on the submission form, which definitely wasn't there before, but still nothing on my dashboard or my profile? I think an email to CC to inquire is in order!
Re: When is a Public Request NOT a Public Request?
Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 12:15 am
by EFowler
Lysis, you were right!
am part of a writer pool, it's just that I didn't have the writer pool tab on my requested content page and nothing on my author profile, but after a bit of back and forth with CC last night, they were very helpful and sorted me out. Must have been a glitch, but it's now on my profile and my dashboard. That's solved THAT mystery, now to try and catch one of the elusive requests!
Re: When is a Public Request NOT a Public Request?
Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 2:51 am
by Isabelnewth
Good luck with that! Let me know your secret if you catch one!
Re: When is a Public Request NOT a Public Request?
Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 8:07 am
by EFowler
Thanks Isabel, I'll keep you posted!
On a similar note, I'm not sure if I made it up, but did I see some discussion on the forum about not applying for writer pools any more, that you're just added if appropriate? Only asking as there's still the option to apply for them, but as I was added to one without applying I'm not sure whether to apply for others. Any suggestions?
Re: When is a Public Request NOT a Public Request?
Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 8:49 am
by Lysis
I applied originally and got into 2. I applied for a 3rd, and I figure when they need people I will be considered. I think they kinda throttle the amount of people in the pools.
Re: When is a Public Request NOT a Public Request?
Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 12:59 pm
by Isabelnewth
I don't really understand the system either. I think it may be evolving to meet changing circumstances, but for whatever reason, it is not really explained. I am classified as 'waiting' to join the pool for writing articles, but I was unexpectedly added to 2 pools for particular buyers which has been really good in spite of my moaning about disappearing requests. I do wish it was all more transparent.