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Submitted as standing request - how to change?

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 6:38 am
by contentwriter
I submitted one of my articles under "Standing Request" in the "Submit Article" page. Now after reviewing the instructions a second time and reading my article, I realize it's best to submit the article as a non-request instead. How do I change this? I see no option to change the request type in the "Edit" page.

I'm thinking of just deleting my Standing Requests submission and then just resubmitting it as a general article. But is it safe to do this?

Re: Submitted as standing request - how to change?

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 7:03 am
by Lysis
I don't think you can change it.

Re: Submitted as standing request - how to change?

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 11:04 am
by contentwriter
Thank you again.

I ought to buy you a cup of coffee for all your help, Lysis. :D

Re: Submitted as standing request - how to change?

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 11:10 am
by evaku
Well there would be nothing really unsafe about deleting and resubmitting again except for maybe losing your place in the editing queue! One time I was unsure about whether I had really submitted an article to the right request so I quickly deleted it and resubmitted. I've never submitted anything to a standing request directly (even when writing on standing request topics), but I think you should be good... those articles get moved right to the catalog anyways, right?

Why do you think it would be best as a not standing request? Does it not quite fit the topic? Either way I'm sure you're fine just leaving it.

Re: Submitted as standing request - how to change?

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 1:05 pm
by contentwriter
evaku wrote:Well there would be nothing really unsafe about deleting and resubmitting again except for maybe losing your place in the editing queue! One time I was unsure about whether I had really submitted an article to the right request so I quickly deleted it and resubmitted. I've never submitted anything to a standing request directly (even when writing on standing request topics), but I think you should be good... those articles get moved right to the catalog anyways, right?

Why do you think it would be best as a not standing request? Does it not quite fit the topic? Either way I'm sure you're fine just leaving it.
The article is almost 1,000 words long and priced above the price range specified for the standing requests. I know I should've noticed that detail, but I didn't. Now I cannot lower the price for the amount of work I put in it. Also, it's not clear to me if the price specified by CC is for usage, unique or full rights.

The article is probably okay for the request (otherwise I wouldn't have written it) but I could do better next time. It seems to me it'll fit better in the "green living" section or "home improvement."

Re: Submitted as standing request - how to change?

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 3:32 am
by jak
I don't believe that categories influence sales that much. (If anyone knows better, please do let us know). Your article should get into the main catalogue anyway if it is not snapped up. As long as you have added relevant keywords and phrases to the submission, it should be found by interested customers.

Re: Submitted as standing request - how to change?

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 7:20 am
by Word Gypsy

Thought I'd jump in with a few thoughts. When CC specifies a price (such as those for the standing requests), it is usually for full rights. Once your article has been approved, you can change both the category and the price (if you want to do so). I agree with jak that categories won't influence sales for articles that are searched by keyword all that much. Eventually, a client will discover the article by the keywords you include. However, since clients can also follow a specific category, it could make a difference there. This will only happen if the client only watches a specific category and never searches using keywords. I wouldn't worry about though. The biggest factor in making a sale is having a client come along who needs your topic and likes your writing style.

Happy writing,

Re: Submitted as standing request - how to change?

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 9:13 am
by contentwriter
Good points, WG. Thanks!