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Vanishing Articles?
Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 5:38 pm
by Kate Sheridan
Hi y'all! I've been gone most of the summer and am just back at it, so perhaps I'm not up to snuff with the changed technology? First article submitted, no problem, it's there. Problem: my last three articles (one last night, two today) SAID they loaded successfully but they seem to be nowhere
Not under review, not accepted by CC, just vanished! I started to resubmit but thought that might just make it worse. Any help? Thanks!
Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 8:23 pm
by constant-content
Maybe they got rejected? Did you receive any emails of approval or rejection? Maybe one of the article admins will remember one of your articles, post the titles here.
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 7:09 am
by Kate Sheridan
Not a word one way or the other. They were Christmas-related, if that's any help!
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 8:43 am
by Article Admin
Two of your articles were rejected. Please look in the junk folder of your e-mail to see if by chance they are being blocked. Please resubmit after reading the Writer's Guidelines. You can find them in the Article Rejection Forum. Thanks. A lot has changed since you've submitted.
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 9:50 am
by Kate Sheridan
ok, thanks!
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 10:34 am
by Kate Sheridan
Me again! Well, if there's a rejection or two hiding somewhere in my e-mail, I can't find it
I did receive the first acceptance, and apparently still get notices of requested content, so this snafu makes me wonder what else I might be missing! I'll read the guidelines to get up to date. I see the category's gone so rather than resubmit, I've just edited them for my Web page. Thank you, though, for checking.
You said two were rejected ... I got word of one acceptance of four submitted, so is there still a third one out there in cyberland? Don't mess with it if you have it, as I've moved all three vanished ones to my site!
Sorry to bother again ...
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 11:32 am
by Kate Sheridan
But I finally figured out how to get into my spam folder. And it's empty! Having read the guidelines, I'm now concerned that whatever problem caused those vanished submissions to apparently be rejected, I'll do again without the specifics of knowing what went wrong with my writing and/or submissions! So could you please send my rejections again to me?
Sounds masochistic
but at least that way, we'll know the e-mail works, the spam folder works and I'll be informed about what I did wrong and (hopefully) not repeat the problem!
Sorry to persist, but as I write for a living, knowing when I make mistakes is absolutely critical to me, if it's a writing thing and not a techno-submission-I'm-hopeless thing!
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 1:19 pm
by Article Admin
Another member of my team rejected those articles, so I'm not exactly sure of the reason. Since you didn't receive e-mails that would explain, please upload an article or two today or tomorrow. I'm the only one holding down the fort for today and tomorrow and will definitely let you know if you are doing something wrong and what it is.
Hope this helps.
Article Admin
Yes, I'll do that ...
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 1:41 pm
by Kate Sheridan
Since I've already posted the content to my own Web site, I'll just do the free usage thing and if you'll take a look and let me know, I'd appreciate that very much! Sorry to trouble you so much on a weekend! Thanks!
On the bright side, at least now I know how to access my Spam folder if necessary!
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 2:51 pm
by Article Admin
There's no problem about taking a look at your articles. You can submit any that you wish for me to take a look at. You are not bothering me on the weekend. The editing area is open 7 days a week.
Update to Admin: Still trying!
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 3:19 pm
by Kate Sheridan
Tried to upload the first one, but this time an "error recieving (sic!) data" message appeared and moments later a message alerted that my submission had been cancelled. (Please note that that didn't happen in the earlier submissions.) I'll try again in a few minutes, but am going out tonight so will try again in the morning if this fails again.
Also, the headlines and summaries may be different because those are typically on-the-spot creations for me and I did not have the foresight to print out the whole completed form before I sent it last time! But the articles are 99.9 percent the same as those submitted earlier!
Meanwhile, someone over there probably wants to correct the spelling on that alert message! Thanks!
Successfully uploaded -- please take a look ...
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 4:09 pm
by Kate Sheridan
This one went through and is called "Small-Space Christmas Decorating Techniques." I'm pretty sure that wasn't the exact title the first time I submitted it but it would be similar! Also the summaries are, I'm sure, different, but you get the idea ...
I've set it at zero price, but what I'd really like is to have you take a look and let me know (gently, please!) the error of my ways!
I really have to go out now but there are apparently two more articles out there that were rejected for reasons unknown to me! I will send those along either when I return tonight, or tomorrow morning.
Thanks again! I do like the changes on the site! Very nicely done! Kudos to Chris!
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 8:29 pm
by Article Admin
It's a shame to give that article away. Why don't you attach a fee to it? It has great some great tips for small space decorating.
The only thing I saw wrong was that we prefer the caps to be 12 point, but don't usually reject for this reason. The word count was intact, the title properly capitalized and the summaries were a good length. Always be sure to give a long summary of about 1/3 of the article. If there is very little info there, we do reject because the customer needs to have a good idea of what they are buying.
So, everything seems to be fine. Please upload your other articles with fee included. I will take care of them tomorrow, but it will be later in the day.
Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience.
Article Admin
Yes, thanks again ...
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 9:17 am
by Kate Sheridan
No problem. In fact, there was an acceptance notice in my box this morning (thank you) for the small-space story, which I repriced for usage, and shortly thereafter, one of the wayward rejection letters also showed up for my Homespun Decorating. Apparently I did not include enough in the summary first time.
Still no word on the other two, but I've gone ahead now and resubmitted them both with copious amounts of summary
and hope that is my only problem! As for font size, I'm really clueless, sorry! It looks ok when it leaves here; perhaps it gets garbled when it beams up to you guys? If it's a problem, please let me know and I'll try to do something about it!
Thanks again
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 7:35 pm
by Article Admin
Your articles have VERY large caps, which isn't a reason for rejection but makes them somewhat difficult to read, as does caps that are too small. When you type the articles, look up and you will see a place a little to the left at the top. You will see a number there. I would imagine yours is about 20 (that's a guess.) Change that to 12 if you can. If you have problems, it's no big deal really. Caps that are too big or too small are difficult to read.