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Help! Retrieving Saved Drafts

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 5:20 pm
by gypsumgirl
How do I retrieve a supposedly saved draft on the submission page? I just spent 3 hours writing an article. Clicked on "save draft." Then, went away from my computer for a short while. Yes, I navigated away from CC. Now I want to continue work and cannot retrieve my draft. Did I just waste 3 hours for nothing and have to start over? One would think that "save draft" means it can be retrieved again before submission. Please help!

Re: Help! Retrieving Saved Drafts

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 3:18 pm
by evaku
Hmm, I'm not familiar with this process because I only ever write on Word and then transfer it over when I am ready, but are you sure that the draft isn't in your content page? If so, that is unfortunate :( Before you saved, did you have all the necessary fields filled in, such as title, price, category, etc? Because it does not allow me to save until I fill in that information (another reason why I don't write drafts on CC!) It tells me:

Uh Oh, This Submission is Not Complete
Check the Title
Please Select A Category
Please Make Sure the Usage Price is Greater Than $7.00 (Seven) Why?
Please Enter Document Content of at least 25 characters.
Please add a Short Summary

So if you didn't have everything filled out, perhaps it didn't save but you walked away thinking it had? If that's the case then I feel for ya!!