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Edit Keywords?
Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 1:53 pm
by dbvirago
Just submitted an article and then thought of some more keywords. I clicked edit, added the keywords and clicked save changes. The display said it was saved, but the new keywords aren't there. Do I have to wait until approval?
Re: Edit Keywords?
Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 4:36 pm
by Lysis
hmm I thought you could change them, but I just checked on an approved article and it's a no-go. Not sure if it's bugged or they just disabled it.
Re: Edit Keywords?
Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 8:24 am
by PeterWriting
I have had noticed this problem too. I don't know why it would be disabled as people finding the articles would be a benefit to everyone. I don't think they have the extra time to approve keywords. I think it's more likely that it is a bug they need to fix, perhaps since the new format system. I try to think a few minutes longer now, about the keywords, before submitting an article.
Re: Edit Keywords?
Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 9:35 am
by Lysis
You would be surprised at the level of craphat SEO spammers will do to game a system. I wouldn't be surprised if it's disabled due to some not-so-honest people.
Re: Edit Keywords?
Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 9:51 am
by mnicol22
I think I have changed/ added keywords on existing articles in the past, but I haven't had the chance to try out the new system yet. If that's the case, I think I'll need to be more careful with my submissions because I always tend to remember things at the very last moment.
Re: Edit Keywords?
Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 10:53 am
by Lysis
Yes, you definitely used to be able to change them. I used to change them often because I would come up with new words.
Re: Edit Keywords?
Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 12:57 pm
by ReneeF
Since my articles only display the first five keywords I enter, I never worry about putting more. Further, I only use keywords that are actually in the article. Therefore, I put all my articles through an analyzer and pick the top five most reoccurring words. I figure, if the keywords are not in the article, then there is no reason to game the system with erroneous keywords as a spammer trying to get more traffic or sales based on client searches for keywords NOT already contained in the articles. And why bother to go change keywords later, the right client will find your article at the right time for them.
Re: Edit Keywords?
Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 3:37 pm
by Lysis
It's not really about keywords in the article. It's about guessing what the user is searching for and what searches match your subject matter.