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Paranoid Newbie Wants to Play It Safe

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 3:15 pm
by UndercoverAngel
Last week I got accepted to Constant Content. I wrote one article and it was accepted. In an effort to build up a selection of articles across a variety of topics, I started writing and uploading more articles. After all, they say you need to have a lot of articles on here to start making money. After I wound up with three articles awaiting review I stopped uploading. I thought that maybe I should wait and see what the editors had to say about those ones before uploading more. However, now I'm reading about the three strikes rule, and getting worried.

Would it be in my best interests to delete one of the articles I have awaiting review until the other two have been reviewed? I don't want to get suspended because I got trigger happy and uploaded too many at a time that could all be rejected for one reason or another. If there were only two awaiting review, I wouldn't have to worry about all three getting rejected. Hopefully none of them will, but I'm starting to second guess myself. From what I'm reading, my understanding is that the rule only applies if a writer isn't learning from editor feedback. However, if I have three articles awaiting review and they are reviewed in succession, it could appear that I didn't learn from the feedback. Is that correct?

Also, how long does it take before a writer can feel confident in uploading several articles per day? What is a safe number of articles for a newbie to upload per day? Is it safer for us to only upload one or two articles at a time until we've had several articles approved? I've been writing two or three articles per day since my acceptance, but at this point I'm afraid to have that many awaiting review at a time. However, I do want to build my list of available articles on here. How long were you here before you felt comfortable having more than one or two articles awaiting review at a time? Or, is it generally safe for writers to go ahead and upload them as they write them, even from the beginning?

Re: Paranoid Newbie Wants to Play It Safe

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 4:27 pm
by Abbamay
Hi. Nice to have you on board!

I don't think you need to worry about the 3 strikes rule. From what I've seen and heard, some writers have basic trouble with grammar, spelling and style. They don't understand what they're doing wrong, so I think it's wise for CC to have a policy where they can let people go if they really need to, instead of spending hours correcting things when they shouldn't have to.

I think if you're doing plenty of writing and adding to your content all the time it is a really good thing. That's the best way to make money. If the editors are busy it's fine to wait a few days. I think they need to prioritize private and writer pool requests first. I've had many things waiting for review and it was never a problem.

Good luck!

Abba May

Re: Paranoid Newbie Wants to Play It Safe

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 2:44 pm
by contentwriter
As I recall, there's a limit to how many you can upload when you're new, anyway. My advice is that you go ahead and write the articles - but don't upload them all just yet. Wait until your first submissions get reviewed. That way, you get a feel for how things work out, what the standards are and what the major flaws in your writing are (if any). If you submit 6 articles all at once and they all have the same mistakes, they may end up getting rejected and you have to edit them all. But if you submit only 3 at a time, and you fix those, you may submit 3 more without a rewrite request. Don't worry about getting banned due to the 3 strike rule. It's not written in stone. I'm just saying you can save yourself trouble and worry this way. You can then edit your unpublished articles and submit them with greater confidence.

My problem was I made things a LOT harder for myself when writing. The key is KEEP IT SIMPLE. It took me about 12-15 articles to start to get the hang of it. I also figured out the kind of articles I write best and I've stuck with that since.

I still get rewrite requests, but usually it's to fix minor details like a missing punctuation mark.

More advice: Make a list of the topics you love and dream up articles about them! Review the CC inventory to see what's already there.

Good luck and welcome to CC!