Licenses for Your Content

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Joined: Fri Dec 02, 2005 3:53 pm

Licenses for Your Content

Post by damon929 »

I have a question. How come there is no listing of who purchased any of my articles. I haven't cared up until now because all of them bought full rights, but the most recent bought unique rights... shouldn't there be some sort of info. as to where they are publishing the piece so that I can ensure that I am getting credit?

Thanks in advance.
Article Admin
Posts: 724
Joined: Wed Sep 07, 2005 4:49 pm

Post by Article Admin »

Some requesters don't list their e-mail addys. However, you can probably find your article by inserting a few sentences into Google, or try running your name through there. I find many CC articles by placing the author's name in Google. Hope this helps.