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Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 8:24 pm
by Isildae
I've been MIA for a few months. A number of reasons but largely because I set up business as a virtual assistant / freelance writer and that has been going exceptionally well. I've also embarked on a study course through distance learning. Not to mention a husband, 3 kids, a cat, a dog and an ancient budgie keeping me busy.

I've just been skimming through posts about recent developments - new author profile page and Premium Article. That's something I wish had been around 6 months ago - I've had a few articles rejected for being too in-depth and wordy which may have fit the brief. Incidentally, those articles were submitted elsewhere, seen by people who liked them and who then commissioned me to write for them, hence the development of my company. It's great to see CC expanding this way.

Unfortunately I don't have time to read through all the posts so apart from the two mentioned above, are there any other major developments I need to be immediately aware of?